Extensions, Feathers, Highlights or Lollipops?

Luna Salon offers a variety of fun services for women – colored extensions, feathers, and of course highlights, but we may have possibly created the latest in women’s hairstyles – the lollipop! Here is a funny photo of a mom who brought her little guy in for his usual haircutting experience and things got a little crazy. Mom got “lollipopped”!!!

Donate your Locks!

“Locks of Love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to children under age 21 in the United States and Canada suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis.” Luna Salon is a proud participating salon ultimately helping to restore the self-esteem and confidence of those affected by medical hair loss. Becoming a part of this organization was …

Like Mother, Like Daughter! 10% off before Christmas

Take a girls day and receive 10% off a Luna salon service now until Christmas.

It’s a wonderful time to unwind from the chaos, spend some quality time together and treat yourself. Get yourself prettied up just in time for Christmas! Luna Salon is offering a Mother-Daughter holiday promotion. Take a girls day and receive 10% off a Luna salon service now until Christmas.

Keeping it friendly at Luna Salon…

One of the greatest things about Luna salon is the comfortable atmosphere. A lot of times salons can feel a bit uptight or too formal to kick back and relax in. Luna has a friendly vibe and hometown feel that allows customers to relax, unwind and have some laughs. Here is a little cutie soaking in the Luna warmth!